Mental Health

Divorce And Mental Illness

We all make mistakes, but some mistakes can be harder to admit than others. Some mistakes are so damaging and irreparable that it’s only natural that we want to do whatever we can to try and fix the damage we caused. One of these is a mistake made by an individual during a divorce: you may have gone through with the divorce just fine, but your spouse is still struggling to get over the pain. There are many causes for this – one of which being mental illness.

Definition of Mental Illness

Mental illness is a term that has been widely used to describe a broad range of health conditions. It can be defined as disorders or problems with thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior lasting for at least six months that significantly interfere with a person’s ability to function.

How much does divorce affect a person with a mental illness?

Mental health impacts a person’s ability to function in many ways. It is important to understand the effects of divorce on mental illness and see if there are any potential warning signs that one may need help.

What are the possible effects of divorce on mental illness?

The idea that individuals with mental illness would be adversely affected by divorce is one of the biggest preconceptions about persons with a mental illness, according to the editors of Psychology Today magazine. However, the idea is highly controversial and there are a number of arguments to back it up.

Who deserves more in a divorce?

Whose story should be heard more? In current society, it is common for men to ask for a divorce while the woman handles most of the financial and emotional support. This is not always the case, as many women still handle all the responsibilities in the family.

How should these processes be done?

Before you file for divorce, do your research. You’ll need to determine whether the best course of action is to file for divorce and if so, when and under what circumstances. Then, you’ll have to decide if you want to work with a mediator or go it alone.


Marriage not only co-creates one of the strongest bonds, but also one of the most powerful tools to fight depression. Yet with today’s rapidly changing society, and increased divorce rates, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people with mental illnesses to stay in a relationship.