Mental Health

How Modalert Reduce Unwanted Sleep

EDS, also known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) refers to the tendency to sleep during the period of the day. In the time one is likely to awake. Excessive daytime sleepiness can affect the ability to concentrate, alertness, and general health. The health issue is affecting about 18 percent of the U.S. population. EDS doesn’t cause any sleep problems by itself, but rather it is a sign of sleep-related disorders.

Common Causes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

The following sleep disorders typically induce excessive daytime sleepiness

  • Sleep Apnea and the other sleep-related breathing conditions.
  • Narcolepsy including or not cataplexy
  • Disorders of sleep, particularly in adolescents
  • Circadian rhythm disorders, such as sleep delay
  • The restless leg syndrome (RLS) and periodic motion disorder of the limbs
  • Sleep deprivation

Some psychiatric disorders–especially those that affect mood (anxiety, depression) or psychosis (schizophrenia) –can also impact sleep and can cause EDS. Heart failure kidney failure, liver failure as well as obesity, are all medical issues that could cause EDS. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and stroke, as well as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy could impact EDS.

Other reasons that can cause EDS include poor sleeping habits, overuse of stimulants like caffeine or alcohol, long-term drug and alcohol consumption, and sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation that results in EDS is usually a result of altered sleeping patterns similar to those that are due to jet lag, or shift work.

A general remedy for Unwanted Sleepiness

The treatment that is best for insomnia will be dependent completely on the cause.

A majority of doctors will not recommend high-addictive drugs to help in sleeping. Those who are prescribed sleeping pills should not be taking these medications throughout the day.

However, a few general lifestyle changes can aid people in getting more sleep. They include:

  • eating a balanced, healthy, and healthy diet
  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake
  • exercising regularly
  • providing a comfortable atmosphere for sleep
  • having a relaxing bath prior to the time to go to bed
  • Maintaining a consistent schedule for sleep

Treatment options for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Disorder

Stop making assumptions and have a word with your doctor for knowing the main cause of EDS after addressing or identifying the conditions appropriate treatment will be given.

Sleep Apnea. The most popular treatment options for sleep apnea in all severity include Positive pressure in the airway (PAP). It is administered through the mouth, nose or both via machines, for instance, an ongoing (CPAP) or bilevel (BPAP) machine.

Narcolepsy is treated with treatment with behavioral therapy, scheduled short naps, and good routines for sleeping. Sleep promoting drugs like Modalert 200 mg when used along with sodium oxybate will assist you in staying awake throughout the day.

Insomnia treatments are different. For adults and adolescents alike CBT (CBT) is usually the first method of treatment. The prescribed medications for insomnia are the benzodiazepines (Artivigil 150), antidepressants that are atypical, the antihistamines and Melatonin.

Medications Available For People With Excessive Sleepiness

Numerous medications are available used for treating people from EDS that are taken with other treatments, behaviour changes, and therapies. Here are some mostly used prescribed drugs for EDS patients.

Artvigil 150 mg is used for excessive sleepiness suffered from narcolepsy as well as from sleep apnea conditions. This drug start working by affecting the brain’s sleep-wake centers. Headache is the main side effect of this medication along with the onset of nervousness or insomnia which is not the most common one.

Waklert 150 mg also has the wake-promoting agent for treating sleepiness narcolepsy or sleep apnea as well. Pillspalace is the online pharmacy for buying all these medications for your treatments.

Other serious side effects could be difficulty swallowing or breathing and depression. Self-harm thoughts may occur or happen.

Sodium Oxybate (Xyrem) can be used for treating the narcolepsy. It improves sleep quality by increasing the slow-wave phase, and through mechanisms that are that are not understood fully, enhances daytime alertness.

Melatonin is a hormone that is released into the patient body that leads you to fall asleep. Certain people suffering from issues with circadian rhythms can benefit by taking melatonin supplements prior to the time they go to bed so that they can fall asleep and awake at the right time

Check with your physician prior to beginning and stopping any drug. Be sure that they are informed of your current health condition which includes allergies and mental and physical health conditions. You need to tell all about if you are taking any other herbal supplements and doctor prescribed drugs as they could interact with these sleeping medicines.

If your doctor prescribed you some treatment to you for night time sleepiness, make sure follow it properly. Avoid activities like driving, as there are some medications effect on you while using them. You should keep in mind that these medications have some side effects also.

Keep track of any adverse reactions you encounter and inform your doctor. If you experience an emergency, you should seek immediate medical treatment.