Mental Health

My Anxiety and What I’m Learning from It

Anxiety can be a very difficult thing to experience – and there are many different types of anxiety (social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc). While many people suffer from these disorders on their own, it is important to learn how to cope with them in order to get the best results. You might find that some of these tips can also help you with other mental health issues as well!

How Anxiety Affects the Brain

Anxiety is a mood disorder that causes an individual to feel constantly worried, scared, uncomfortable, and panicky. The disorder affects different people in different ways, but it can cause people to avoid social situations and even leave their jobs. Anxiety disorders are often treated with medication or therapy but not always. For example, some people who suffer from anxiety disorders attempt to self-treat by participating in mindfulness-based interventions, which help them relax their thoughts and decrease the effects of anxiety.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

There are many types of anxiety disorders, but there are two main categories: Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder have a constant, ongoing feeling of tension and stress that is unrelated to any actual external stimulus. Individuals with Panic Disorder may experience sudden attacks such as panic attacks lasting anywhere between 4-72 hours in duration.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that is designed to help people with anxiety disorders. It does so by helping them understand and change the ways in which they think about their experiences, the situations they are in, etc.

Types of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder affects 6.8 million Americans and can be described as an overwhelming, persistent worry about everyday life. The most common signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder are chronic worry, tension, and fatigue but the main symptoms are persistent feelings of restlessness. It is unclear what causes these feelings but some people may have a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders that can cause these symptoms to surface more often when experiencing anxiety.

Does Anxiety Run In Families?

Anxiety runs in families and is thought to have its roots in the fight-or-flight response. The more people struggle with their anxiety, the more they tend to make irrational decisions that can harm themselves or others. Anxiety disorders can be treated at the individual level, but many are resistant to treatment because it can take a large toll on life quality.


I’ve been able to work through the anxiety that I’ve struggled with for years because of a self-compassionate mindset. Getting over the fear of failure or being judged allowed me to build up my self-confidence. One way I’ve done this is by being open and honest about my struggles, which has also made it easier for people around me to understand how important it is for them to take care of themselves as well.