
7 Habits of Healthy Eating

Have you ever wondered what are 10 healthy eating habits that you should adopt? If so, then this blog is for you. Check out the next article in the series 7 Habits of Healthy Eating, which provides helpful tips such as finding time for exercise and avoiding junk food.

1. Make a food plan

1. Sometimes, it’s easier to know what to eat before you eat by making a plan ahead of time. A food plan will help you avoid making the same mistake twice and will also keep your diet on track.

2. Make small changes

If you are wanting to start on a new lifestyle, it is important that you take small steps towards a healthy and sustainable plan. Don’t make drastic changes in both your diet and your daily routine all at once. In order to reach your goals, it is best to start off small and build on those changes. For example, don’t drastically change your exercise routine or drastically reduce the amount of junk food that you eat. Instead, try reducing the amount of junk food that you eat by one meal every week until you have reached your goal.

3. Find what you love

One sure way to create healthy eating habits is to follow your passions. If you love everything about apples, for example, buy an apple slicer and make apple pie out of it. Or if your favorite food is pasta, eat a bowl of spaghetti with some veggies and grated cheese. The key is to find something that you enjoy and then try to savor it in small, sustainable amounts.

4. Watch your portions

Watching your portions can help you feel full and not overeat. By watching your portions, you can also make sure that you are getting the appropriate amount of nutrients for your body type. Pay attention to what is served to you at restaurants because it can be easy to forget that some foods are filled with calories and fat. Instead, consider choosing dishes made from vegetables and lean proteins like fish.

5. Cook, bake, and make ahead

Cooking, baking, and making food ahead of time is a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen. If you have time on your hands, try whipping up a batch of lasagna right before dinner. The lasagna can be covered and stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. When ready for dinner, take it out of the fridge, rewrap it with foil or place a new layer of uncooked noodles on top and bake it again until hot.

6. Acknowledge hunger and fullness cues

There are many cues in our environment that tell us when we’re hungry and when we’ve had enough to eat. One of the most common is sight, as food is often associated with our sight. Another cue is smell, as certain smells can be indicative of hunger or satiety.

7. Ditch the superfoods

Superfoods have taken the healthy food market by storm. The popularity of these products is based on more than just their taste and health benefits, it’s their packaging. Superfoods have become a marketing tool to help sell other goods. They are often impossible to find in grocery stores and they typically come in packages designed to entice you into buying them.