
Benefits of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Children

What is TF-CBT?

TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment approach created expressly to help children, ages 3 to 17, who have experienced trauma and PTSD. Additionally, TF-CBT involves families and teaches parents how to help their kids deal with the effects of trauma.

How long does TF-CBT take to work?

TF-CBT typically requires 8 to 16 sessions to finish the treatment plan. Weekly sessions are typically planned. The primary caregiver of your kid will spend 5 to 15 minutes of each session working with the counselor to better understand the child’s trauma symptoms, develop parenting skills, and learn how to support the child’s recovery outside of sessions.


Studies show that more and more kids are suffering PTSD symptoms. This type of therapy has shown to be a very effective treatment for PTSD in children. A large percent of children have experienced a traumatic event before the age of 16 years old.

Children and young people typically have a poor understanding of how their trauma has affected them. They don’t realize the symptoms, the acting out, and internal turmoil are all a result of unaddressed trauma.

An example of a cognitive-behavioral therapy is TF-CBT. In other words, it primarily tackles PTSD symptoms by focusing on unhealthy and maladaptive behaviors and ideas that a victim of sexual assault may exhibit.

What is the TF-CBT process like?

TF-CBT is a protocol based modality and comprised of 8 consecutive stages, summarized by the acronym PRACTICE:


-Parenting skills;

– Relaxation skills;

-Affective modulation skills;

-Cognitive coping skills;

-Trauma narrative and cognitive processing of the traumatic event(s);

– In vivo mastery of trauma reminders,

– Conjoint sessions and Enhancing future safety;

How do I know if my child would benefit from TF-CBT?

The following are some signs that traumatized children may exhibit. Based on the unique conditions, there are variations in the number of symptoms, severity, and level of impairment.

Has your child been through any traumatic events that have had an impact on their mood, behavior, focus, academic achievement, social interactions, sleep, and general daily functioning and are generating anxiety?

– Has your kid received a PTSD diagnosis or is exhibiting signs of it?

-Does your youngster avoid discussing the painful event or exhibit severe distress when reminded of the experience?

-Does your youngster appear too vigilant, jumpy, or susceptible to startling?

-Have your child’s symptoms had a detrimental impact on their ability to perform at school, their relationships with friends and family, and their general happiness?

It is quite likely that your child might benefit from TF-CBT to work on resolving some traumatic incident if you responded Yes to any of these questions. A nationally qualified TF-CBT counselor, Natalia Savage, MS, LPC, LMHC, can assist your kid and family in recovering from the trauma and finding peace. Give us a call right away to talk about how we can help.


Our expertise comes from the fact that we specialize in child therapy in Tampa FL. We have many years of training and practice. If your child is experiencing a tough time in life then TF-CBT may be right for them.