Lifeguard Training

What are the benefits of regular swimming?

The many benefits of regular swimming

Swim away from the stress

If you often suffer from stress and tense muscles, regular swimming is perfect to combat tension and seek relaxation. As you swim, your muscles loosen up and become less tense, making you more relaxed with Lifeguard Training.

When swimming, the body secretes endorphins, in other words, the happiness hormone. This hormone ensures that you are less sensitive to pain, it reduces feelings of fear and provides a feeling of happiness. To achieve this wonderful feeling, you must first swim for 30-45 minutes before endorphins start to be released.

Sleep better

Do you sleep badly or do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Swimming also does wonders for sleep quality! Swimming regulates your sleep-wake rhythm, because of the energy you use, but also by the release of the hormones endorphins and serotonin.

If you don’t sleep well, you usually have a shortage of serotonin because it also produces melatonin, a substance that you need to sleep well. Furthermore, serotonin regulates your body temperature and ensures that your memory functions optimally.

Tip: do not train too intensively in the three hours before going to sleep. Your body must cool down sufficiently after exercise before it goes into rest mode.

Strong back muscles & good condition training

When you swim you train your entire body, so it is the perfect fitness training! Swimming at least twice a week will also increase your lung capacity, making you less likely to get out of breath.

But regular laps are also only positive for muscle building; your back and abdominal muscles are intensely trained. You are weightless in the pool because the body is carried by the water, as it were. This allows you to strengthen your back muscles without putting too much strain on your joints.

Minimal chance of injury

You weigh up to 90% less in the water, which means that muscles, tendons and joints are minimally stressed. The chance of injury is therefore very small. Regular swimming can also help with the recovery process from an injury. Your joints and muscles have to endure much less weight, so the chance of damage is virtually nil.

During swimming there is no shock load on your muscles, making swimming very suitable for many people with a condition, certain injuries, heavy overweight or during pregnancy!

Less risk of cardiovascular disease

Swimming is a cardiovascular exercise and lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease for Lifeguard Training. This is provided that you train regularly; swim for 30 minutes at least three times a week!

Good for the metabolism

If you regularly take a dip in fresh bathing water (approximately 19 to 20 degrees), you will benefit from a special side effect of the cold bathing water. For example, more and more research indicates that brown adipose tissue is stimulated when we are cold. The adipose tissue can even increase in size, which ensures a healthier metabolism, helping you to maintain a healthy weight.

Increases brain capacity

First of all, swimming is cardiovascular conditioning, training that leads to an increased heart rate over a longer training period. Also known as ‘cardio training’. This type of training ensures that oxygenated blood is pumped more effectively throughout the body.

The better the circulation, the more oxygen supply to the brain. In other words, the better your brain works, the better the body will respond with Lifeguard Training. In addition, regular swimming also increases the concentration level.

Promotion of motor skills in children

Research by the Griffith Institute for Educational Research found that children’s intelligence levels are linked to regular swimming. The study found that children who learn to swim at an early age have a better mastery of certain skills. Particularly motor skills, languages, ​​and mathematics.